Wednesday, August 31, 2011

SCORE: Basic Accounting for Nonprofits

This basic accounting workshop facillitated by Syracuse SCORE is designed specifically for nonprofit organizations.Three two-hour sessions will cover accounting basics and will teach you how to manage the numbers. Attendees should plan on taking part in all three sessions. Due to limited space, we ask that only one representative from each organization attend (perhaps an individual with finance-related responsibilities within your organization or a board member).

Sessions will include:
An Overveiw of Basic Accounting: What is it? How does it work? Including definitions of terms and a simplified approach.

The Basics of Successful Accounting: How to make accounting work for your organization.

An Overview and Review of Financial Statements: Learn how and why common accounting reports exist, and how to use them to better understand your organization.

Tuesday September 27th, 8:00- 10:00 AM
Tuesday October 4th, 8:00- 10:00 AM
Tuesday October 11th, 8:00- 10:00 AM

Register for these sessions now!
Getting and Keeping the Best Board Members

90-minute webinar

Date: September 21, 2011 at 2:00 PM EST
Cost: $99.00
Sponsored by Stevenson, Inc

Who are they? Where are they? How do we find them? How do we recruit them? How do we keep them? This webinar will focus on tried-and-true, practical ways to get and keep high-performing board members. These ideas you can put to use immediately and begin to reap the benefits.

Having the right individuals on your Board can make a world of difference in your organization's ability to: make the right connections, raise more funds than you ever thought possible, build your organization's reputation, attract more volunteers and members and much more.

The presenter, Jean Block, will discuss recruiting essentials, managing the best board and what to do with unproductive board members.

Jean Block is a nationally recognized consultant and trainer in nonprofit management, fundraising, board development and governance and social enterprise.

Sign up now

Monday, August 22, 2011

Grant opportunities

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for the following two foundations.

Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
Funds projects that support the enhancement of humane care in health facilities. The Founation welcomes proposals that promote caring attitudes through inter-professional collaboration, provide training in patient-centered care, and improve the culture of physician education at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The Verizon Foundation
Supports the advancement of literacy and K-12 education and fosters awareness and prevention of domestic violence.

Find out more about these and other foundation grant opportunities by searching the Foundation Directory Online database.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What you need to know about social media

From the Foundation Center’s DC regional office – Twitter for Nonprofits: Getting Started

See also the following books available for free loan from the Onondaga County Nonprofit Resource Center collection

The social media survival guide for nonprofits and charitable organizations : how to build your base of support and fast-track your fundraising efforts using social media / Sherrie A Madia

Building strong nonprofits : new strategies for growth and sustainability / edited by John C. Olberding and Lisa Barnwell Williams

The networked nonprofit : connecting with social media to drive change / Beth Kanter, Allison Fine ; foreword by Randi Zuckerberg

The following podcasts on various social media topics are available through the Foundation Center's website. Become a member today!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Here is the latest summary of changes and additions to the Foundation Directory Online (FDO) database.
New Grantmakers ... 315
High Growth Grantmakers ... 64
Contact Information Changes ... 4,077
Fields of Interest/Types of Support Changes ... 447
Leadership Changes ... 993

Visit the Nonprofit Resource Center at the Onondaga County Central Library to access FDO. Discover new potential funding prospects. Build reports by state on new or high growth grantmakers or grantmakers with recent changes.