Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Only Grant Writing Book You'll Ever Need

The Only Grant Writing Book You'll Ever Need 3rd edition
by Ellen Karsh and Arlen Sue Fox
A comprehensive, step-by-step guide. The revised edition includes vital new information about seeking grants in today's economic climate.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May Is Funding for Education Month

May Is Funding for Education Month at the Foundation Center
Free Resources and Special Events for Nonprofits, Scholarship Seekers

This May, the Foundation Center, a national nonprofit with locations around the country, is holding Funding for Education Month. It will offer special programs specifically for those in the education arena: free events, classes, and online resources designed to help nonprofits and individuals alike become more effective grantseekers and find new funding prospects.

The "Focus on Funding for Education" area of the Center's web site will feature frequently updated information on programs, news, and research related to education funding — a "one-stop shop" of free, easily accessible information including events, classes, webinars, and podcasts. In addition, interactive maps display the geographic distribution of both private foundation and ARRA funding for education.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

After The Grant

After The Grant: The Nonprofit's Guide to Good Stewardship
edited by Judith Margolin
A Foundation Center publication based on the premise that the receipt of the grant funds is just the beginning. This book guides you through the essential steps for effectively managing your relationship with the funder.

Monday, May 3, 2010

How To Get Your Share of the $30-Plus Billion Being Offered by U.S. Foundations: a complete guide for locating, preparing, and presenting your proposals
by Richard Helweg
This book stresses the importance of having and knowing your organization's mission and vision as well as carefully researching the funding community.