Sunday, September 29, 2013


If you are not a member yet, sign up today to take advantage of all that TechSoup has to offer your nonprofit!

TechSoup is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a clear focus: connecting your nonprofit, charity, or public library with technology products and solutions, plus the learning resources you need to make informed decisions about technology. Our free learning resources are available to all users.

Once registered and qualified with TechSoup, nonprofits and libraries can access donated and discounted products and services, including high-quality refurbished hardware, and software from partners like Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, Intuit, and Symantec.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Grassroots Fundraising Journal

Read the bimonthly Grassroots Fundraising Journal available at the Nonprofit Resource Center

Articles from the latest issue include:
Top Five Fundraising Appeals Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Guide to Choosing a Donor Database
Crowdfunding Sites for Nonprofits

Visit for free technology tools, resources and best practices for nonprofit organizations to leverage their charitable efforts and serve their community more effectively.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Foundation Center Launches a Free Search Tool

Next week, the Foundation Center will launch Foundation Directory Online (FDO) Free, an online tool that replaces Foundation Finder offering free access to basic information about grantmakers.

Foundation Directory Online Free, or FDO Free for short, includes basic profiles of nearly 90,000 U.S. foundations. You can search by name, EIN, and location (state, county, city, metro area, congressional district, and ZIP code).

Profiles include a foundation's background, purpose and activities statement, program area(s), fields of interest, financial data, and 990-PFs. The programs and interests fields are not searchable, but those fields appear in the profiles. Keyword searching across all 990-PFs is included.

With FDO Free, you get a glimpse into the wealth of additional information available through Foundation Directory Online Professional that is available at the Nonprofit Resource Center at the Onondaga County Central Library. While you can use this tool from any computer or mobile device, you will need to either subscribe to the database or visit the Library for free access to FDO in order to do prospect research and compile funder lists.

Try FDO Free today!
The next hands-on FDO orientation class is scheduled for Friday, October 4, 2013 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM.
Call 315-435-1900 to register.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Money Smart for Small Businesses

Saturday October 5, 2013
8:00AM - 4:00PM
Cost $25 includes training, continental breakfast and lunch. After September 30th cost is $35.

Register Now

A new, instructor led training curriculum developed jointly by the FDIC and SBA and hosted by the WISE Women's Business Center.

The multi-level modules in this curriculum provide introductory training for new and aspiring entrepreneurs on the basics of organizing and managing a business. In addition to grounding participants in the basics, the curriculum serves as a foundation for more advanced training and technical assistance.

Breakout session topics include:
Financial Management
Records Keeping
Succession Planning
Risk Management
Time Management
Banking Services

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Improve Your Fundraising Success with Philanthropy In/Sight

Improve Your Fundraising Success with Philanthropy In/Sight

To succeed in today's tough economic climate, grantseekers need to maintain a competitive edge. Introducing Philanthropy In/Sight, an interactive mapping tool to help grantseekers find new funding prospects, assess the giving patterns of current prospects and donors, and gather intelligence to craft compelling grant proposals. This 45-minute webinar will explain how you can improve your fundraising success with this powerful complementary tool to Foundation Directory Online

Philanthropy InSight Webinar September 11, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fundraising and the Female Donor

Join The Chronicle of Philanthropy for Fundraising and the Female Donor, a session completely dedicated to helping you launch giving programs for women. You'll hear directly from two fundraising experts, a consultant Kathleen E. Loehr and Beth M. Mann, a top fundraiser at the nation's Jewish federations.