Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Philanthropy In/Sight

Designed for grantmakers and grantseekers, Philanthropy In/Sight is a new, interactive mapping tool that lets you create maps to visualize the scope and reach of philanthropy.

Philanthropy In/Sight uses the Foundation Center's rich data on grantmakers and their grants and customized search criteria to reveal patterns of giving, funding relationships, areas where philanthropy has made an impact and areas where opportunities exist to fill critical needs.

Take the online guide tour to see how valuable this resource can be for you.

Visit the Nonprofit Resource Center at the Onondaga Central Library for FREE access to this database.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guidestar webinar

Don't Get Lost in the Crowd—Tap into Your Supporters' Passion to Become a Great Nonprofit

What: FREE GuideStar Webinar

Date: February 22, 2011

Time: 1 p.m. ET

Presenters: Perla Ni, CEO and Founder, GreatNonprofits, and José Fernández, Director, GuideStar Exchange

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Foundation Finder

Foundation Finder is now accessible from your smartphone, so
you can have key financial data and contact information on U.S. grantmakers right at your fingertips!

Bookmark http://finder.foundationcenter.org and take Foundation Finder with you wherever you go.

Visit the Foundation Center for more information.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Meet The Foundations

Join the Allyn Foundation, Snow Foundation, Gifford Foundation, and Central New York Community Foundation at one of three informative sessions discussing foundation fundingand priorities; and featuring a facilitated, interactive format.

March 3, 2011
June 2, 2011
September 8, 2011

8:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Central New York Philanthropy Center
431 East Fayette Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Attendees will:
• Learn more about each of the featured funders
• Acquire a better understanding of each funders’ strategic approach to grantmaking
• Network with others in the local nonprofit community

Central New York Community Foundation

Please note: The content of all three sessions is similar. There is no need to attend more than once. Due to limited space, only two representitives from each organization should attend.

Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations 2nd edition
by Barry J. McLeish