Friday, April 23, 2010

Foundation Directory Online April numbers

Latest counts for the Foundation Directory Online . Visit the Nonprofit Resource Center to use this useful database.

98,062: The current universe of foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities in the U.S. By far the largest percentage of these (74%) are independent foundations.

501,683: The names selectable in the Trustees, Officers, and Donors index on the Search Grantmakers screen. These are all the trustees, officers, and donors associated with the grantmakers in the database. Using the People tab in the grantmaker profile, you can also see any other companies and organizations with which they're affiliated.

2,102,440: All the grants of $1,000 or more awarded by the grantmakers in the database dating back to 2003.

3,994: Companies that sponsor a foundation and/or one or more corporate giving programs. Each company profiles contains information on the company itself as well as links to grantmaker or grantmakers that it sponsors in the grantmakers database.

683,108: All the 990s and 990-PFs in our database. You can search these by keyword, year authorized, or one or more grantmaker-specific fields.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010 Encouraging Foundation Transparency

Launched recently by the Foundation Center, showcases the online transparency and accountability practices of the largest foundations. Foundations that have taken the lead in communicating about their work, particularly using online resources and social networks, are featured along with direct links to their current initiatives.
Glasspockets was developed in partnership with the Center for Effective Philanthropy, Communications Network, Global Philanthropy Forum, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, and One World Trust.