Friday, August 9, 2013

Request copies of articles from the Foundation Center's Catalog of Nonprofit Literature and have them emailed or faxed to you.

Contact the Nonprofit Resource Center supervisor,, for more information on this free service!

Examples of recent articles
"Your future as an entrepreneur" Nonprofit World 2013
Nonprofits need to turn to a new business model in a time of shrinking government support. Advice on creating a sustainable organization through revenue generation from non-government customers. Also includes tips for effective money management and financing.

"Top 10 trends : how major donors are changing & what to do about it" , Nonprofit World 2013
Lists the top trends in the latest research of major donors, and includes strategies to take advantage of these trends. Reveals that boomers are becoming the top donor population, older ladies are the major donor demographic, donors who volunteer give much more, and donors love a "big idea."

"On-boarding your new CEO" , Georgia nonprofit now 2013
Examines the process of recruiting and hiring a nonprofit executive, with a profile of the Atlanta-based organization, MedShare. A sidebar provides ten key tips to a successful leadership transition.