Learn How to Measure Your Social-Media Results
Date: Wednesday December 12
Time: 2:00 pm EST Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: Early Bird: $75, After December 5: $96
Your nonprofit spends a lot of time reaching out to supporters on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. But if you're like a lot of the nonprofit leaders I speak to about social media, you aren't properly measuring whether these efforts are worth the time and cost.
Learn how to collect and analyze data to support informed decisions about your social-media strategies.
Hear case studies and concrete examples of how nonprofits are measuring their social-media results and how they are using data to nimbly adjust their online approaches.
One of the presenters, Beth Kanter, co-author of the new book Measuring the Networked Nonprofit, will also outline the 7 steps of effective measuring.
This is a great opportunity to learn how nonprofits of all sizes can measure the results of their social-media campaigns.