Monday, December 9, 2013

Connecting Grantseekers with Grantmakers

Missed the 12/6/13 library orientation and training session?
Don't worry, the following group sessions are scheduled for Spring 2014

Friday March 7, 2014 and Friday May 2, 2014.

Free workshops for 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations. Learn about the resources and services of the Nonprofit Resource Center. Receive hands-on training and search strategies for searching the Foundation Directory Online database to locate new funding prospects. Meet on 3rd floor of the Central Library for collection orientation.

Call the Central Library at (315)435-1900 to pre-register or to find out about scheduling a 30-minute one-on-one session or on-site group training.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday Decmber 3, 2013

Giving Tuesday
Sponsored by the Central New York Community Foundation

Use your social media accounts to vote for the nonprofit you feel deserves $5,000.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

December Training opportunities

Connecting Grantseekers with Grantmakers
Robert P. Kinchen Central Library
Friday December 6, 2013 9:15AM - 10:30AM
For 501c3 nonprofits
Call 315-435-1900 to register

Free webinars are available from

Grantseeking Basics
December 2, 2013 3:00PM

Introduction to Fundraising Planning
December 12, 2013 3:00PM

Proposal Writing Basics
December 12, 2013 1:00PM

Proposal Budgeting Basics
December 17, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Just added ...

Operating Grants for Nonprofit Organizations
8th edition 2013

Over 1,800 grants for organizations supporting
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth Programs
Community Development
Economic Develoment
Health Care
Rural Programs
Social Services
Urban Programs

Visit the Nonprofit Resource Center reference collection to read through this useful volume.

You can also access additional information about grants for general operating support by using the Foundation Directory Online . The next group orientation session is scheduled for Friday December 6, 2013 at 9:15AM. Call 315-435-1900 to register.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Create Powerful Videos on a Small Budget

Webinar offered by the Chronicle of Philanthropy

When: Thursday October 24, 2013
When: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Cost: Early bird rate $75. After 10/16/13 $96.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October is Focus on Funding for the Arts Month

Check out any of these books to learn more about funding your individual art endeavors

Find out how you can get foundation support. Visit the Nonprofit Resource Center at the Central Library to access the Foundation Directory Online or the Foundation Grants to Individuals.

Here are useful links from the Foundation Center
Arts & Culture from
Special Collection: Arts Education
Arts & Culture RFPs

Sunday, September 29, 2013


If you are not a member yet, sign up today to take advantage of all that TechSoup has to offer your nonprofit!

TechSoup is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a clear focus: connecting your nonprofit, charity, or public library with technology products and solutions, plus the learning resources you need to make informed decisions about technology. Our free learning resources are available to all users.

Once registered and qualified with TechSoup, nonprofits and libraries can access donated and discounted products and services, including high-quality refurbished hardware, and software from partners like Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, Intuit, and Symantec.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Grassroots Fundraising Journal

Read the bimonthly Grassroots Fundraising Journal available at the Nonprofit Resource Center

Articles from the latest issue include:
Top Five Fundraising Appeals Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Guide to Choosing a Donor Database
Crowdfunding Sites for Nonprofits

Visit for free technology tools, resources and best practices for nonprofit organizations to leverage their charitable efforts and serve their community more effectively.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Foundation Center Launches a Free Search Tool

Next week, the Foundation Center will launch Foundation Directory Online (FDO) Free, an online tool that replaces Foundation Finder offering free access to basic information about grantmakers.

Foundation Directory Online Free, or FDO Free for short, includes basic profiles of nearly 90,000 U.S. foundations. You can search by name, EIN, and location (state, county, city, metro area, congressional district, and ZIP code).

Profiles include a foundation's background, purpose and activities statement, program area(s), fields of interest, financial data, and 990-PFs. The programs and interests fields are not searchable, but those fields appear in the profiles. Keyword searching across all 990-PFs is included.

With FDO Free, you get a glimpse into the wealth of additional information available through Foundation Directory Online Professional that is available at the Nonprofit Resource Center at the Onondaga County Central Library. While you can use this tool from any computer or mobile device, you will need to either subscribe to the database or visit the Library for free access to FDO in order to do prospect research and compile funder lists.

Try FDO Free today!
The next hands-on FDO orientation class is scheduled for Friday, October 4, 2013 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM.
Call 315-435-1900 to register.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Money Smart for Small Businesses

Saturday October 5, 2013
8:00AM - 4:00PM
Cost $25 includes training, continental breakfast and lunch. After September 30th cost is $35.

Register Now

A new, instructor led training curriculum developed jointly by the FDIC and SBA and hosted by the WISE Women's Business Center.

The multi-level modules in this curriculum provide introductory training for new and aspiring entrepreneurs on the basics of organizing and managing a business. In addition to grounding participants in the basics, the curriculum serves as a foundation for more advanced training and technical assistance.

Breakout session topics include:
Financial Management
Records Keeping
Succession Planning
Risk Management
Time Management
Banking Services

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Improve Your Fundraising Success with Philanthropy In/Sight

Improve Your Fundraising Success with Philanthropy In/Sight

To succeed in today's tough economic climate, grantseekers need to maintain a competitive edge. Introducing Philanthropy In/Sight, an interactive mapping tool to help grantseekers find new funding prospects, assess the giving patterns of current prospects and donors, and gather intelligence to craft compelling grant proposals. This 45-minute webinar will explain how you can improve your fundraising success with this powerful complementary tool to Foundation Directory Online

Philanthropy InSight Webinar September 11, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fundraising and the Female Donor

Join The Chronicle of Philanthropy for Fundraising and the Female Donor, a session completely dedicated to helping you launch giving programs for women. You'll hear directly from two fundraising experts, a consultant Kathleen E. Loehr and Beth M. Mann, a top fundraiser at the nation's Jewish federations.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Request copies of articles from the Foundation Center's Catalog of Nonprofit Literature and have them emailed or faxed to you.

Contact the Nonprofit Resource Center supervisor,, for more information on this free service!

Examples of recent articles
"Your future as an entrepreneur" Nonprofit World 2013
Nonprofits need to turn to a new business model in a time of shrinking government support. Advice on creating a sustainable organization through revenue generation from non-government customers. Also includes tips for effective money management and financing.

"Top 10 trends : how major donors are changing & what to do about it" , Nonprofit World 2013
Lists the top trends in the latest research of major donors, and includes strategies to take advantage of these trends. Reveals that boomers are becoming the top donor population, older ladies are the major donor demographic, donors who volunteer give much more, and donors love a "big idea."

"On-boarding your new CEO" , Georgia nonprofit now 2013
Examines the process of recruiting and hiring a nonprofit executive, with a profile of the Atlanta-based organization, MedShare. A sidebar provides ten key tips to a successful leadership transition.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fundraising with Social Media

Fundraising with Social Media

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
2:00 pm EDT
Registration fee $75

Nonprofits are increasingly finding creative and effective ways to use social networks like Facebook and Twitter to raise money and develop new relationships with potential supporters. How can you make sure your organization is tapping into these networks and developing a new pipeline of donors that will help you grow now and in the future?

Webinar from Chronicle of Philanthropy

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Going for the Green! An Insider's Guide to Raising Money with Charity Golf
by Tom King

According to the National Golf Foundation, an estimated 140,000 charity tournaments take place each year … drawing 15 million players … and raising millions for everything from cancer research to special education.

A veteran tournament organizer and former development officer, King knows golf tournaments inside and out. And because he’s been in the trenches for three decades, King paints a realistic picture of the possible headaches, risks, and exhaustion involved in this type of event.

King covers everything an organizer needs to know: when to start your planning; how to attract players; recruiting the right volunteers; the costs involved; choosing the best format; adding spice to your event; when to schedule it; how to secure sponsors; how to computerize the process; how to cope with the myriad details on tournament day; and how to evaluate your event to make it better next year.

The extensive appendix includes : a checklist of tasks you need to accomplish from six months out; a budget worksheet; a description of different tournament formats; seventeen job descriptions for specific volunteers; a look at some quirky formats; sample sponsorship levels; a description of sidebar events to add interest; and even a glossary for neophytes.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ebooks – Just added!
Do What You Do Best: Outsourcing as Capacity Building in the Nonprofit Sector
Jeff Russell

Cause For Change: the why and how of nonprofit millennial engagement
Kari D. Saratovsky

Forces For Good: the siz practices of high impact nonprofits
Leslie Crutchfield

Everything Nonprofit Toolkit: the all-in-one resource for establishing a nonprofit that will grow, thrive and succeed
Jim Goettler

Check out these ebooks from the Overdrive Downloadable Collection.

The Robin Hood Rules For Smart Giving
by Michael M. Weinstein and Ralph M. Bradburd

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Charity Navigator provides Tips for giving in time of crisis

Find out which charities are responding to the devastation caused by a massive tornado in Moore, Oklahoma

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Book

The Compelte Book of Grant Writing
by Nancy Burke Smith

A collaborative effort by an exprerienced grant writer and an experienced grantmaker...Provides views, tips and information from both sides of the grantseeking experience.
Includes sample grant proposals, preproposals, concept papers, letters of inquiry, interagency agreements, support letters and media releases.
Learn the difference between reactive and proactive grantseeking and lots more about the entire grantseeking process.

Don't miss these new books!

Social Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century: innovation across the nonprofit, private and public sectors
by Georgian L. Keohane

Why Philanthropy Matters: how the wealthy give, and what it means for our economic well being
by Zoltan J. Acs

Global Fundraising:how the world is changing the rules of philanthropy
by Penelope Cagney and Bernard Ross

Praise for Global Fundriasing ...
"Book focuses on critical issues such as infrastructure, strategy, regulation and impact" Neelam Makhijani, Chief Executive, Resource Alliance

"Must read for CEOs and fundraisers who work within a global context or are considering entering...comprehensive treatment of the global fundraising picture including the specific areas of major gifts, grant-making to online giving and how social media can have an impact" Jon Stettner, President and CEO, Make-A-Wish Foundation

"Fills an important gap in our knowledge of philanthropy with global perspectives" Dr. Atallah Kuttab, Chairman, Board of Directors, SAANED for Philanthropy Advisory, Arab Region

This title is part of the AFP Fund Development Series. All titles can be checked out from the Onondaga County Public Library's Nonprofit Resource Center.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Onondaga County Public Library can create customized booklists and provide you with links for your organization’s website. Here are three examples.

Proposal Writing
Family Caregiving

Feel free to use these links. Just let us know. Or request a topic that would be of particular interest to your clients and customers.
Contact the Nonprofit Resource Center supervisor at 315-435-1900 for more information.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Register today for any of these free one hour webinars

Nonprofit Webinars

4/17/2013: Engaging Millennials as Donors, Volunteers and Constituents
4/23/2013: Search Engine Optimization 101 for Nonprofits
4/24/2013: A Business Plan for Your Nonprofit
4/24/2013: Making Shared Leadership Work: 5 Steps to Mastering Collaboration

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Don't miss these free webinars!

Two upcoming Foundation Center webinars you won't want to miss

Facebook Strategies for World Domination
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Understanding Collaboration
Monday, April 22, 2013 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Foundations will give away at least $45 billion this year!
Using the Foundation Directory Online database can help you get a bigger piece of the pie.

Visit the Nonprofit Resource Center at the Onondaga County Central Library today.