Next week, the Foundation Center will launch Foundation Directory Online (FDO) Free, an online tool that replaces Foundation Finder offering free access to basic information about grantmakers.
Foundation Directory Online Free, or FDO Free for short, includes basic profiles of nearly 90,000 U.S. foundations. You can search by name, EIN, and location (state, county, city, metro area, congressional district, and ZIP code).
Profiles include a foundation's background, purpose and activities statement, program area(s), fields of interest, financial data, and 990-PFs. The programs and interests fields are not searchable, but those fields appear in the profiles. Keyword searching across all 990-PFs is included.
With FDO Free, you get a glimpse into the wealth of additional information available through Foundation Directory Online Professional that is available at the Nonprofit Resource Center at the Onondaga County Central Library. While you can use this tool from any computer or mobile device, you will need to either subscribe to the database or visit the Library for free access to FDO in order to do prospect research and compile funder lists.
Try FDO Free today!
The next hands-on FDO orientation class is scheduled for Friday, October 4, 2013 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM.
Call 315-435-1900 to register.